Your child will grow in their knowledge of scripture through instruction in the Holy Bible. Children will learn The Old and New Testament with age-appropriate bibles used in each classroom. Your child will love learning about God and build new friendships in our age level classes through bible stories, crafts and games.
Nursery (infants –2 years) Room 101 – Instructional Bible: God’s Story for Me & The Toddler’s Bible
Preschool (Ages 3 & 4) Room 104 – Instructional Bible: God’s Story for Me & Group’s Bible Big Books
Elementary (Kinder-2 nd Grade) Room 207 upstairs – Instructional Bible: The Young Reader’s Bible
Elementary (3 rd -5 th grade) room 201 upstairs – Instructional Bible: NIV Adventure Bible
If you have questions or want help connecting with children’s ministries, please contact Mingo Williamson at
When we worship God on Sundays, we worship as a family. Your whole family is invited, and if you have children who make a little extra noise, don’t worry. Activity packs for children are available at the back of the Sanctuary, and all children are welcome to come forward for Children’s Time.
Nursery Care is available every Sunday morning (ages infant- 4 years) 8:45am -12:00 pm in Room 101 located in preschool hallway.
Parent’s Night Out
Trunk or Treat
Food Truck Friday
Easter Egg Hunt
Upheaval (4 th /5 th grade ministry)
Christmas Family Night
Children’s Summer Camps
Vacation Bible School
Information and registration will be available on the website before each event. If you would like to be on the Children’s Ministries event contact list, or have questions, please contact Mingo Williamson at
Bellaire UMC offers several summer camp options for children of all ages each summer. Camp schedules and registration will be available in the spring.
Contact Mingo Williamson at with questions.
Our Vacation Bible School is offered every summer for children preschool age to those who will have just finished 5th grade. Registration will open in the spring. Click here for more information, and contact Mingo Williamson if you have questions.